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Nestlé Gatwick, the first Nestlé HQ worldwide to become dog friendly

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Through the Pets At Work (PAW) programme, led by Nestlé Purina, Nestlé Gatwick has become the first Nestlé HQ worldwide to allow employees to bring their furry friends into the office.

Nestlé Gatwick has adapted its open plan office, making it a place where employees and dogs can work together in a happy and safe environment.

The programme forms part of Nestlé's Health and Wellbeing agenda, with a recent survey by Purina revealing that staff are happier and healthier when they are able to take their pets to work.
Results also show that 47 per cent of 18-24 year-olds surveyed said that they view bringing a pet to work as a work perk.

Pets are introduced to the workplace through a three phase programme which includes a questionnaire, two behaviour assessments, plus a health check and in-office probation period.

Since the scheme was rolled out across the Nestlé’s Gatwick office, a community of more than 50 dogs has been built, with more dogs expected to join next year.

Richard Watson, Regional Director, Purina comments:

“We wholeheartedly believe that people and pets are better together – and being at work should not stand in the way of that. It boosts employee morale, encourages more physical activity and helps us create a stimulating environment where our people are happy, have fun and can perform at their best. Having pets in the office is inspirational.

“Pets At Work programme has been an established practice at Purina for over ten years and we are delighted that it has now been rolled out across the business in City Place. Employees have really embraced the scheme. It supports Nestlé’s wider health and wellness strategy and has brought to life the many benefits of having dogs in the workplace – not least a better work life-balance. It’s been a huge success and we now have over 50 canine colleagues and look forward to welcoming more over the next year.”


For more information, please contact Nestlé Press Office on 020 8667 6005 [email protected]

Notes to the editors:

About Purina UK
Purina is committed to helping pets live longer, happier and healthier lives through proper nutrition and care. For over 85 years, Purina has been one of the pioneers in providing safe, palatable and nutritious products made to the highest standards of quality and safety. The Purina brand portfolio includes many of the UK’s best known and best-loved pet foods including Felix, Bakers, Purina ONE, Bonio, Gourmet, Go-Cat, Pro Plan, Beta and Winalot. For more information visit  

About Pets At Work (PAW)
At Purina we believe that when pets and people come together, life is better. There has been a Pets At Work practice in place at Purina since 2003 which was made into an official policy in 2010. In 2014 the Pets At Work scheme was rolled out across all Nestlé businesses at City Place, allowing all employees to bring their dogs to work. We are the first dog friendly Nestlé HQ in the world and we now have over 50 canine colleagues in the PAW programme.

PAW consists of a three-phase programme which employees need to go through in order for their dog to get their Passpawt and become an official resident at City Place:
1. Embarkment: Review of a detailed questionnaire to ensure your dog is a pawesome candidate for the Pets at Work scheme.
2. Pawthorisation: An independent specialist will guide your dog through 12 simple exercises during a brief assessment. Your dog will also need to undergo a full health check.
3. Tail-End: Following a three month probation in the office in which your dog is assigned a Dog Friendly Buddy to ensure your dog feels comfortable in an office environment with you, your colleagues and other dogs, an independent specialist will oversee a second assessment of 10 simple exercises. If your dog passes, a Passpawt will be granted!

For more information on the Pets At Work programme at Nestlé, please visit:

Purina Research
The research for Purina was carried out by One Poll between: 27th and 30th October 2015
Sample: 2,000 UK employed UK adults who don’t usually work from home

Location statistics:
• Brighton and Hove is  the most dog friendly city in the UK (35% companies allowing dogs in the workplace)
• Cambridge and Gloucester are the least dog friendly cities in the UK (only 8% of companies allowing dogs in the workplace)

1.            Happier and healthier staff (34%)
2.            Dogs get to spend more time with their owners (30%)
3.            Increased socialisation (28%)
4.            Encourage more physical activity (26%)
5.            Employees less likely to suffer from depression (20%)
6.            Dogs get to socialise with other dogs (18%)
7.            Reduced blood pressure and cholesterol levels (17%)
8.            Increased engagement and motivation (14%)
9.            Helps break the ice when talking to senior staff (10%)
10.          Helps break the ice when talking to an office crush (9%)

1.            Working hours (58%)
2.            Empty home for most of the day – the pet would be alone (51%)
3.            It is too expensive to own a dog (28%)
4.            Landlord does not allow pets (13%)
5.            Social life does not allow for owning a dog e.g. local bars and restaurants (9%)

1.            Environment and agriculture (50%)
2.            Hospitality and events management (36%)
3.            Creative arts and design (34%)
4.            Information research and analysis (33%)
5.            Business, consulting and management (31%)