The death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II marks the end of Britain's longest ever reign and a truly remarkable life.
For most of Nestlé's near 8,000 UK employees, Queen Elizabeth was all we had ever known. She was an ever-present in an ever-changing world.
In the days following her death we asked people at Nestlé UK for their memories of the Queen and what she meant to them.
Our colleague Wendy Smith, who works at the Nestlé Purina factory in Wisbech, lived within the grounds of Buckingham Palace for six years. Her father was Crown Equerry and Wendy was fortunate enough to see the Queen regularly, out walking her Corgis and enjoying her London residence.
Wendy says: "Both my father and my father-in-law were Majors in the Coldstream Guards and my husband was a Life Guard in the Household Cavalry so the Queen felt like a grandmother to me. When I think of her 70-year reign I am full of admiration and pride. How many people can say they stayed true to their word for over 50 years and worked tirelessly in their role until they died?"
Endaf Edwards, in his role as General Manager of Princes Gate, hosted the Queen and her husband Prince Phillip at the Princes Gate Spring Water factory during a royal visit to Pembrokeshire in 2014.
Endaf remembers: "It was a memorable day for everyone involved. During her visit, the Queen met many of our people, with some personal introductions to long-standing members of the team. Queen Elizabeth was delightful, in her interaction and appreciation of each individual she met – a truly unforgettable day for all of us at Princes Gate."
Much earlier in her life, twenty years before the coronation, the then Princess Elizabeth received a unique gift from our confectionery factory in York.
In 1933, the factory had experimented with growing Yorkshire cocoa beans in a hot house. Only a very small number of cocoa beans were successfully produced but it was enough to hand make just three small chocolate bars. As the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of York, Princess Elizabeth was chosen as the perfect recipient and perhaps became the only person in history to sample a 100% British chocolate bar.
Nestlé was a proud holder of a Royal Warrant throughout Queen Elizabeth's reign and almost all of our most well-known brands and products were imagined and launched during her life.
Today we will remember Queen Elizabeth II for the best of reasons. We will remember her dignity, her passion, her good humour and the way she served our country with such grace for more than 70 years.
May she rest in peace.