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York’s Clocks Mark After Eight Anniversary

After Eight : York's Clocks Mark After Eight Anniversary
York factory’s historic clocks, which were switched off in 2009, have had the times changed they are set at to celebrate the anniversary of one of our most iconic brands.

The clocks have been stuck at around 5pm ever since they were switched off, but for After Eight’s 50th anniversary the clocks have now been set to show the time as just after eight.

Nigel Anfield, who re-set the clocks said: “It is a small gesture for the anniversary but something that will act as a reminder for many years. After Eight was conceived in York and made on the site until the early seventies. It is still Yorkshire made and I was delighted to be asked to mark the occasion in this way.” Nigel has been working for the company for 37 years, carrying on a family tradition that began in 1899.

The three famous Rowntree clocks have been standing outside the factory gates for just under a hundred years and used to be synchronised with the time-keeping office in the centre of the factory. The clocks can only run on mains electricity, so it is not possible to start them again, but moving the hands of the clock to the new time has created a subtle but witty reminder of our iconic brand for passers-by.