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Fawdon announced as finalist for European Business Awards for the Environment

Nestlé Fawdon has been identified as one of the 12 UK finalists for the prestigious European Business Awards for the Environment (EBAE).

The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) and SEPA (Scottish Environmental Protection Agency) announced that Nestlé Fawdon is one of the finalists selected to represent the UK in the 'Management' category of the awards and will compete against winners from 28 other countries in the European stage.

The EBAE recognises outstanding, new or innovative contributions to sustainable development, with those chosen being seen as the 'best of the best'.

Dr Malcolm Aickin, Chair of the RSA Environment Awards Forum said ‘the assessors felt that there are clear objectives and a well presented plan, clear evidence was provided of incredibly green credentials’. Assessors also commented the contribution to maintaining bio-diversity was sustainable across a range of important eco-systems.'

Congratulations to Fawdon and we wish them well at the awards later this year.

Pictured: Andy Griffiths, Sustainability Manager, Fawdon; Ryan McNeil, Sustainability Engineer, NUK&I and Dr Malcolm Aickin, Chair of the RSA Environment Awards Forum.