Nestlé UK and Ireland has pledged its support to tackle food and drink waste, greenhouse gas emissions and water intensity by signing up to the Courtauld Commitment 2025.
Unveiled by WRAP, the UK’s resource efficiency charity, the commitment aims to make food and drink production more sustainable for the future.
The Courtauld Commitment 2025 is the world-leading voluntary agreement to work across the entire food chain to reduce the environmental impact of food and drink, from farm to fork and beyond.
The ten year commitment has three ambitious targets:
1) To reduce food and drink waste arising in the UK by 20 per cent
2) To reduce greenhouse gas intensity of food and drink consumed in the UK by 20 per cent
3) To reduce the impact associated with water use in the supply chain.
Nestlé UK and Ireland is committed to using resources efficiently and set an objective for all our factories to send zero waste to landfill by the end of 2015. Having met this target, we are now focussed on how we can accelerate our reductions in waste at source and find alternative uses for unavoidable wastes.
To tackle waste across the supply chain Nestlé UK and Ireland works in partnership with WRAP. Through our partnership with WRAP we have developed a Raw Material Risk tool that will help improve our efficiency performance as well as developing a waste prevention tool that can be used across a variety of product stream.
Nestlé UK and Ireland is working to improve water efficiency across our operations and reduce our absolute water usage by 50 per cent by 2020. We are on track to reduce our carbon emissions by 40 per cent by 2020.
Andy Griffiths, Head of Environmental Sustainability at Nestlé UK said:
“As we face into the key challenges of resource availability and the impacts of climate change, it is critical that we work collaboratively to identify and implement effective solutions.
“The Courtauld Commitment 2025 is a fantastic platform to bring together a range of key organisations from the public, private and voluntary sectors to help accelerate the deployment of these opportunities.”
Richard Swannell, Director of Sustainable Food Systems, said:
“Courtauld 2025 is our most ambitious agreement yet and we are delighted that Nestlé UK and Ireland has pledged their support as a signatory.
“We are faced with some big challenges ahead with rising populations, climate change and dwindling resources. But tackling food waste offers a practical option to address these challenges and in doing so, will create new opportunities.
“Only by working together can we hope to realise the big changes that are essential to ensuring a more prosperous future for individuals, businesses and the planet.”