2012 Creating Shared Value Forum: The role of business in development.
Against the backdrop of a projected rapid increase in population growth, food insecurity and competition for water resources, the meeting will bring together business, civil society and government leaders from South Asia and internationally in high-level, moderated discussion panels.
Our goal is to engage panellists and participants in a thoughtful discussion on how governments worldwide can work together with civil society and the private sector to accelerate sustainable development. Nestlé will share its experience with a business model called "Creating Shared Value", which provides a powerful example for building such collaboration.
Key topics
Issues that the panellists will discuss include:
- Creating Shared Value: Building on Philanthropy and Corporate Social Responsibility
- The double burden of malnutrition
- Water, energy, food security
- Rural Development
- What next for business and society?
The day will conclude with the announcement of the winner of the CHF 500 000 Nestlé 2012 Creating Shared Value Prize.
From 05:00CET to 13:30CET the event will be webcast live - link available soon.
You can join the discussion online and question panellists at all the sessions via the webcast. There will be an on-demand video of the event available.