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As Apprenticeship Manager for Nestlé, I help facilitate apprenticeship opportunities across our business. I joined Nestlé over four years ago to help standardise our apprentice attraction and recruitment and as Government has introduced changes to apprenticeships in the last two years, I have been part of the team to take advantage of the opportunities.

You help young people start their careers – why do balanced teams matter?

The best teams should be a melting pot of perspectives and experiences topped off with enthusiasm, passion, drive and commitment. Every one of us brings something different to every team and we should celebrate our diversities and capitalise on the opportunities. My personal favourite is to be involved in a team where there is a seedling of an idea and to watch it grow and thrive as a result of everyone's input – knowing that no single person could have achieved that outcome on their own – gives me sheer joy.

What do you feel we need to do more of to create more of a balance in our organisation?

We need to be more open to what everyone can offer at every stage of life. We need to work harder at breaking out of the stereotypical views, particularly in a workplace where we will soon have five generations working alongside each other. So let's truly listen and adapt to what our employees need and want to create the work/life balance we crave. We show agility in meeting consumer and customer needs – we need to adopt that same speed and effort towards our employees.

What can managers do personally to make a difference so all our people feel valued and included?

Everyone should act with integrity and authenticity – a genuine and heartfelt appreciation really counts and can make a huge difference to how you feel about our business.