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Good food is essential for a good life but more than just providing nutrition, food is an integral part of our social and cultural life. Many of our brands are also social and cultural icons.
We face many challenges
Sustainability. Health. Affordability. Accessibility. By 2050, the world population will be around 10 billion people. Yet, even now, 2 billion don't have regular access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food and 40 percent of us are overweight or obese. Over-eating and under-nutrition are two aspects of a global problem.
1 The state of food security and nutrition in the world 2019 | UNICEF
2 New data shows food insecurity major challenge to levelling up agenda | Food Foundation
3 Why is Unicef feeding the UK’s children? - The Boar
4 National Diet and Nutrition Survey: diet, nutrition and physical activity (publishing.service.gov.uk)
We want to help change this. It is our responsibility as one of the largest food manufacturers, as well as that of everyone involved in the industry, to make healthier and more sustainably produced food available and accessible to all, while maintaining consumer trust in the quality and taste of our products.
We're working to make our portfolio even healthier and tastier, inspire consumers to lead healthier lives, and develop and share our understanding of the connection between nutrition and health.
We are focusing our efforts and resources to help achieve a healthier future for all through sustainable nutrition. By 2030, our ambition is to help 50 million children globally lead healthier lives.
*National Childhood Measurement Programme, England 2019/20 School Year
In 2021, the UK's pet population grew to approximately 11 million cats and 12 million dogs proving that pets are playing an increasingly important part in more and more families' lives. As a company of pet owners and lovers, we are dedicated to understanding pets' nutritional, behavioural and social needs and are focussed on doing everything we can to keep them healthy and happy. We believe that science-based good quality nutrition is as essential to pets' wellbeing as it is to humans.