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One Young World

Since its inception in London, in 2010, the One Young World summit has helped to empower future leaders for the pressing issues facing us all. Part of this is raising awareness of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The summit includes transformative days of speeches, panels, networking and workshops.

Previous summits have been held in London, Zurich, Pittsburgh, Johannesburg, Dublin, Bangkok, Ottawa, Bogotá and The Hague.

In 2019, Nestlé sponsored five employees to attend the summit in London as part of their development and to broaden their perspectives on some of the world’s environmental and social challenges.

One World

Inspired by the One Young World format One World brings together passionate sustainability advocates and the future leaders of our business, with the aim to become a global internal network that acts as a catalyst for change within Nestlé.

Each year they host an event intended to:

  • Raise awareness of our sustainable development goals and the work we are doing to support them
  • Empower individuals or groups to engage with specific agendas and take action

The first One World event was held at our Gatwick headquarters in 2019. It brought outside speakers into the office for a day to learn how other companies and entrepreneurs are tackling topics like food waste, sustainable diets, and gender equality.

In 2020, due to the pandemic, the second event went virtual. But it was no less relevant to the challenges we all face today, with subject areas such as biodiversity and climate change; food poverty, food insecurity and food waste; food accessibility and marketing to children; business start-ups, equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion.

One World event