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Consumers increasingly expect to know what is in the food and drink they consume. They want to be able to recognise the ingredients listed on the label - to ensure that what they're buying is nutritious, fits their lifestyle and health concerns and is sustainably produced.

We are constantly working to provide simpler, clearer information about our products, and removing unfamiliar ingredients from our recipes.

The same applies to pet food. The colourants in our pet food products have always been perfectly safe but we recognise that just as people don’t want colourants in their own food, they don’t want them in their pet’s food either.

We have already achieved a commitment to completely remove artificial colourants from our main meal products by 2020 and by 2023, we will completely remove artificial colourants in snacks as well. With that in mind, AdVENTuROS Dog Snack brand was launched without colourants, artificial flavourings or artificial preservatives, with products available on shelves from January 2021.

In March 2021 we also removed the remaining non-artificial colours from our Felix ranges.