To coincide with Nestlé’s extensive plans marking National Inclusion Week at Nestlé, the businesses UK and Ireland LGBT+ network have made a short film about the importance of allies in the workplace.
The film features insight on the importance of having LGBT+ allies in the workplace from the network’s founders Emma Scott and Keith Galbraith, as well as practical advice on how to be an ally from senior leaders from within the business.
Nestlé UK & Ireland’s LGBT+ network formed three years ago with an ambition to make the UK and Ireland arm of the business, the world’s largest food and drink producer, the most LGBT+ friendly in its sector. Since then it has made rapid progress, with over 200 members and allies, the group has been instrumental in Nestlé becoming Stonewall Diversity Champions and joining the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index, and has organised Nestlé’s participation at three huge Pride events this summer, York, Dublin and Brighton.
Earlier this year the network made a series of films sharing the LGBT+ experience at Nestlé and exploring why it is so important to be yourself at work. Watch the full playlist on the Nestlé UK & Ireland YouTube channel.