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In-house team serves up soapy April fool for KitKat brand

KitKat shaped soap that you can eat! That was Nestlé UK & Ireland’s contribution to this year’s April Fools day, the annual tradition of playing practical jokes on friends, family and followers.

But, unlike many of the April Fools attempts you may have seen from brands around the world on Sunday, this was different. There was no creative agency involved, no huge budget and no professional actors. KitKat soap’s spoof launch video, press release and other materials were all created in-house and featured Nestlé apprentices in the starring roles.

Ellie Worley, Senior Brand Manager for KitKat said: “Playing an April fool is always fun for any brand and, this year, as the champion of breaks, we wanted to bring KitKat to one type of break in particular.

“The idea for edible KitKat soap came from our in-house team of Community Managers and they set about making it happen by manufacturing some real soap in the shape of various KitKat products and creating a light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek video which we shared with our social media followers early on Sunday morning.

“Naturally, I don’t think many people thought we had really created an edible soap but we got a lot of great feedback and we hope we made some people smile over the weekend.”

Matty Taylor, star of the video and one of two Nestlé Apprentices to appear, said: “When I signed up for an apprenticeship at Nestlé I did not expect to be fronting a video like this but it was a lot of fun to do and very surreal to find myself appearing on news websites around the world on a quiet Easter Sunday!”

Matty now goes back to his day job as a Commercial Apprentice within Nestlé’s Confectionery marketing team while anybody hoping to get their hands on any edible KitKat soap is out of luck. The single, exclusive batch of KitKat soap has been snaffled by Nestlé employees and we wouldn’t recommend eating it in any case. Proper, edible KitKat remains on sale in all formats at retailers across the UK.