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Public Health Responsibility Deal

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As a major food manufacturer, we take our responsibility to help consumers lead healthier lives seriously. We continually reformulate our products to improve them nutritionally and aim to provide our consumers with the information they need to make informed food choices. Nestlé UK fully supports the Responsibility Deal and is pleased to sign up to all the core commitments and supporting pledges including food, health at work and relevant physical activity pledges. Through the deal we will continue to work with Government and other stakeholders to play an active part in helping to improve public health.

Notes to Editors

Nestlé UK has signed up to the Public Health Responsibility Deal on behalf of the following organisations: Nestlé UK Ltd, Cereal Partners UK, Nestlé Professional UK, Nestlé Nutrition UK, Nestlé Waters UK and Purina UK.

Nestlé UK has signed up to the all of the Public Health Responsibility Deal core commitments and supporting pledges confirming our support for the Deal’s ambitions and committing to take action in support of them as well as all food, health at work and the relevant physical activity pledges.

Nestlé UK has also signed up all of the Food Collective Pledges

Food Pledge 1: We will provide calorie information for food for our customers (or employees) in out of home settings from 1 September 2011 in accordance with the principles for calorie labelling agreed by the Responsibility Deal.

  • Since 2010, GDA labelling has been being rolled out on food including sandwiches; hot meals and ready‐made salads at all our sites.
  • Service Level Agreements including Minimum Nutrition Standards have been agreed by our site caterers and have been rolled out across all of our sites. These standards underpin the daily menus provided and stipulate cooking methods, ingredient standards, menu planning and daily provision of healthy choices.

Food Pledge 2: We commit to the salt targets for the end of 2012 agreed by the Responsibility Deal, which will collectively will deliver a further 15% reduction on 2010 targets.

  • Nestlé UK products meet the Food Standard Agency’s 2010 Salt Reduction Targets and most of our products already meet the Public Health Responsibility Deal salt targets.

Breakfast cereals

  • We achieved an overall salt reduction of 32% across Nestlé brands in the past 12 years.
  • At the end of 2010 Cereal Partners UK has achieved a salt reduction of 195 tonnes (compared to 1998, based on actual volumes sold).
  • Over 25% of Nestlé cereal sales in the UK are of products with no added salt (e.g. Shredded Wheat, Shredded Wheat Fruitful and Honey Nut Shredded Wheat)


  • Herta Pork Chilled Frankfurters achieved a 10% reduction in 2008
  • Nestlé Professional Maggi dried soups achieved a 26% average reduction in 2006
  • Maggi MultiUse Tomotato Sauce already meets the Responsiblity Deal 2012 Salt Reduction Targets

Sweet biscuits – unfilled

  • All our chocolate covered biscuits (including Kit Kat, Blue Riband, Breakaway)
  • already meet the Responsibility Deal 2012 Salt Reduction Targets
  • All Nestlé Confectionery biscuits are able to claim low in salt as they contain
  • less than 0.12g sodium per 100g.

Dried Beverages

  • All Nestlé retail beverages meet the FSA 2010 salt reduction targets.
  • The majority of Nestlé retail beverages also meet the Responsibility Deal
  • 2012 Salt Reduction Targets (e.g. Nescafé Cappuccino mixes; Nesquik)

Pledge 3: We have removed or will remove artificial trans fats from our products by the end of 2011

  • Nestle UK Ltd has already removed partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (pHVO) from its product portfolio

Nestlé UK has signed up all the relevant and applicable Physical Activity Pledges

Pledge 3: We will promote and support more active travel (walking and cycling). We will set measurable targets for this health enhancing behaviour.

  • Nestlé UK will promote cycle to work by providing secure storage and showers on site. Gyms are provided at some of our sites while others have made arrangements with local gyms.
  • Through Nestlé’s Charity of the Year 2011 partnership with Alzheimer’s Society, we launched a yearlong campaign called “Be a good sport”. The campaign aims to encourage employees to get active and participate in sporting challenges
  • Employee Wellness Champions have been appointed at most of our sites and are in the process of developing a Buddy network to help employees make behavioural lifestyle changes.

Nestlé UK has signed up to all the Health at Work pledges

  • Nestle is committed to creating a working environment in which employees have the education, training, support and means to lead healthier lifestyles, and in the UK and Ireland we run an award-winning Employee Wellness programme.
  • In 2009, Nestlé UK was awarded Gold in the Food and Drink Federation Community Partnership Awards for its Employee Wellness programme.
  • We have an established strategy based upon the key areas of nutrition, exercise and mental resilience which is supported at Executive Board level and reviewed annually to ensure progress.
  • We run health-awareness weeks, offering health checks and raising awareness of healthy lifestyles.

Pledge 1: To embed the principles of the chronic conditions guides (developed through the Responsibility Deal’s health at work network) within HR procedures to ensure that those with chronic conditions at work are managed in the best way possible with reasonable flexibilities and work place adjustments

  • These procedures have been in place at Nestlé UK for many years. Through our active membership of the Health at Work Network, we have shared our experiences and helped draft the Chronic Condition Guide.

Pledge 2: To use only occupational health services which meet the new occupational health standards and which aim to be accredited by 2012/13

Nestlé UK has put plans in place to ensure accreditation is delivered within the timeframe agreed by the Responsibility Deal

Pledge 3: To include a section on health and well being of employees within annual reports and/or websites. This should include staff sickness absence rate.

Nestle UK already provides Employee Wellness monthly updates to its Executive Bard and includes a section on health and wellbeing of its employees within its annual report INSERT LINK TO CSV

Pledge 4: To implement some basic measures for encouraging healthier staff restaurants/vending outlets/buffets

  • Service Level Agreements including Minimum Nutrition Standards have been agreed by our site caterers and have been rolled out across all of our sites. These standards underpin the daily menus provided and stipulate cooking methods, ingredient standards, menu planning and daily provision of healthy choices

Nestlé UK Physical Activity Individual Pledge – Consortium of walking organisations: We will encourage adults, children and families to walk as part of their daily routine by promoting and providing access to online tools, educational material, motivational resources and organised walking activities.

Nestlé will develop an Internal Intranet Wellness site which will include advice, support materials and links to national and local sites promoting physical activity.