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Nestlé Confectionery is launching its biggest POLO campaign for ten years as it asks the nation ‘Are you a sucker or cruncher?’

Launching 16th August, the £2.5m campaign will reach 38 million people via outdoor and online advertising and consumer competitions. The campaign will be seen by 73% of POLO’s 35-54 year old target market 15 times (1).

As part of the campaign, consumers will be encouraged to become fans of one of POLO’s two opposing Facebook pages. The pages will be in weekly competition – using games as a points scoring system to see who is top – suckers or crunchers.

Graham Walker, Nestlé UK Trade Communications Manager, says: “This POLO campaign will reinvigorate the brand through its interaction with consumers. After all, we’re all suckers or crunchers, so it’s a simple campaign that all consumers can embrace.

“This is our biggest spend on POLO for ten years. Our last campaign in 2009 had a quarter of the media support and provided a 22% (2) uplift in sales. In the last year, the mint market has grown by 3% and POLO is outperforming up 7% (3) . Combine this growth with our new media activity and we can expect this campaign to provide a massive sales uplift for retailers.”

For more information on the Nestlé Confectionery range please contact Niall Hughes or Lucy Drake at Clarion Communications on 0207 343 3228 or 0207 343 3112 or [email protected] /[email protected]

Notes to Editors

  • POLO Original, RRP 40p
  • POLO Spearmint™, RRP 40p
  • POLO Sugar Free™, RRP 40p
  • POLO Fruits™, RRP 40p
  • POLO Original 6 pack, RRP £1.69
  • POLO Sugar Free 3 pack, RRP 99p

1 Mindshare 2010, estimated audience reach
2 EPOS data research results March 2009
3 IRI, Total Market, Value Sales, 52 w/e 22 May 10