Nestlé has today released a new report under the banner “Nestlé in Society.” It takes a detailed look back at the key achievements Nestlé has made against its goals to be a responsible and sustainable business over the last two years and its efforts to make a positive impact on UK and Irish society.
Dame Fiona Kendrick, Chairman and CEO Nestlé UK & Ireland said: “We know the role we have to play in UK and Ireland society and are serious about doing things the right way. Whether that’s looking at health and wellness, our carbon footprint, our supply chain, our people, there is work to be done.
“Today’s report shows we are making great progress and I know that everyone at Nestlé here in the UK is focused on tackling the challenges ahead of us to reach our goals.”
Achieving 100% renewable grid-supplied electricity is just one of the many landmarks outlined in today’s Nestlé in Society report which also covers the company’s work on youth employment, its switch to sourcing 100% certified sustainable cocoa earlier this year and becoming the first major manufacturer to pay the living wage in 2014.
The extensive report looks at areas across nutrition, rural development, water, environmental sustainability and people to give a snapshot of Nestlé’s current position against its own stretching targets.