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Nestlé Waters and the Wildlife Trusts launch national campaign calling for Brits to "Get Better With Nature"

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Get better with nature
  • National conservation and education initiative set to roll-out across the UK, starting in Slough, following successful pilot in Buxton.
  • Campaign calls on UK to recognise the value of nature, as research reveals 90% of people report improvements in self-esteem following regular walks outdoors compared to just 17% following walks indoors [1].
  • UN Environment Programme research indicates ecosystem services – the things nature provides us for free – are worth $72 trillion a year, equivalent to nearly £7,000 for every person in the world [2].

Nestlé Waters, the number one bottled water company worldwide, and The Wildlife Trusts, have today announced the launch of a community based campaign to help conserve the environment and raise awareness of the benefits of nature, with a focus on water in the landscape.

This coincides with a Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change report this year, which called on governments to promote healthier, greener lifestyles in cities. Nestlé Waters and The Wildlife Trusts have joined forces to help improve the health and wellbeing of the UK population by working with communities to conserve their natural environment, both in the countryside and in urban areas.

The ‘Get Better with Nature’ campaign has taken steps over the last year to help improve community awareness of the benefits of nature around Nestle Waters’ facility in Buxton, Derbyshire and build local stewardship of the natural environment as part of a pilot programme. It will now extend its work nationally to target more inner-city areas, starting in Slough, through a partnership with the Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust.  The campaign will also extend to Hertfordshire and Middlesex in partnership with the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust.

The extension of the rural pilot to urban environments comes as Public Health England data shows that residents in Slough are 10% less likely to use outdoor space for exercise and health reasons than those living elsewhere in the country. Meanwhile, research conducted by MIND has revealed the benefits of the natural environment to health and wellbeing, with 90% of people reporting improvements in self-esteem following regular walks outdoors compared to just 17% who walk indoors.

The Get Better with Nature campaign aims to educate children and adults of all ages about the benefits nature can bring to our everyday lives. By exploring the importance of stewardship for the natural environment, the campaign uses local initiatives such as a coordinated ‘Day of Action’, together with a dedicated education programme run with local schools, to promote conservation in communities and explain how nature benefits us daily and needs to be protected in order to secure it for generations to come.

It also provides a forum for cross-sector collective actions towards common goals, involving a broad alliance of businesses, charities, conservationists, educators and community groups. This will see Nestlé Waters and the Wildlife Trusts bring participating groups together to help improve the health of communities and their natural environments.

Sian Chapman, Corporate Communications and Head of Creating Shared Value at Nestlé Waters said:

“The Get Better with Nature campaign is all about recognising the value of nature to our lives, from the food and water we eat and drink to the air we breathe. United Nations estimates suggest that the wealth of things our natural environment provides us with freely are worth the equivalent of nearly £7,000 for every person in the world!”

“At Nestlé Waters we take very seriously our duty to protect the environments in which we operate, and now we want to work with local communities to ensure that nationwide steps are being taken to protect nature, promote water stewardship and highlight the benefits the natural world brings to our health and wellbeing.”

“Through our partnership with The Wildlife Trusts we have already taken steps in Derbyshire to help the community grow their understanding, with some tremendous results. Now our focus is on extending the campaign nationally and working with a growing list of partners to gain scale, so that we can make a real difference across the nation”.

Janel Fone, Director of Development at The Wildlife Trusts said:

“We are excited to be announcing the roll-out of our partnership with Nestlé Waters, and the Get Better with Nature campaign. Conservation efforts like this are becoming even more important in the modern day and we hope the new activities in Slough will allow us to reach even more people and demonstrate the campaign’s commitment to reconnecting residents with the natural world”.

Estelle Bailey, Chief Executive of the Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trusts said:

“The Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust is delighted to be part of the Nestlé Waters ‘Get Better with Nature’ campaign. The Day of Action at Haymill Valley in Slough on Thursday 1 October is the first of several joint events with Nestlé Waters and local communities enabling more people to explore nature reserves and discover wildlife close to where they live.”

Tony Juniper, campaigner, writer, sustainability adviser and environmentalist said: "It’s great to see a major company working in partnership with the Wildlife Trusts to join the dots between good business, the health of Nature and benefits for people. No company can be sustainable nor any community thrive without healthy ecology and making that connection is an important part of what we need to do in achieving more positive outcomes for people and business in the years ahead".

Since piloting the campaign in Buxton, Derbyshire last year, Get Better with Nature has already made a significant impact on local residents. 80% of children and 74% of adults who have engaged reported improved levels of awareness and understanding of the value and benefits of nature. [3]

The campaign is now actively calling on communities, schools and partner organisations to get involved as Get Better with Nature launches nationally. For more information on the campaign and its planned activities and to get involved visit:


[1] According to the Ecotherapy: The green agenda for mental health report, produced by MIND.
2 According to Dead Planet, Living Planet: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Restoration for Sustainable Development, published by the UNEP.
3 According to Get Better with Nature campaign research, 2014.

For further information please contact the Nestlé Press Office on 0208 667 6005 or email [email protected]

Notes to Editors

Nestlé Waters
Nestlé Waters is the world’s leading bottled water company, with a product portfolio of plain and sparkling water brands including S. Pellegrino, Aqua Panna, Perrier, Vittel, Buxton Natural Mineral Water and Nestlé Pure Life.

Nestlé Waters takes pride in helping its local communities and the environment with a variety initiatives.  The company has invested over £35million in a state-of-the-art factory in Buxton and produces one of the lightest weight bottled water ranges in the UK, using an average of 25 per cent less PET plastic across the range of Buxton and Nestlé Pure Life brands. The factory achieved BREEAM Excellent for sustainable building and design and the Nestlé Waters business in the UK has been independently audited as zero waste to landfill. The company also supports biodiversity on its site with a SUDS pond and butterfly meadow.
Nestlé Waters partners with key collaborators to increase the benefit it can offer society and its local communities, working with NGO’s, Government, local authorities, volunteers, industry and competitors.

For more information about Nestlé Waters and its brands, please visit:

The Wildlife Trusts
There are 47 individual Wildlife Trusts covering the whole of the UK.  All are working for an environment rich in wildlife for everyone.  We have more than 800,000 members including 150,000 members of our junior branch Wildlife Watch.  Our vision is to create A Living Landscape and secure Living Seas.  We manage around 2,300 nature reserves and every year we advise thousands of landowners and organisations on how to manage their land for wildlife. We also run marine conservation projects around the UK, collecting vital data on the state of our seas and celebrating our amazing marine wildlife.  Every year we work with thousands of schools and our nature reserves and visitor centres receive millions of visitors.  Each Wildlife Trust is working within its local communities to inspire people about the future of their area: their own Living Landscapes and Living Seas.

Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust
Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) is one of 47 Wildlife Trusts across the UK working to achieve the shared aim of securing a better future for wildlife. BBOWT’s vision is to create a region rich in wildlife and appreciated by all. BBOWT manages 86 nature reserves across the three counties, works with other agencies and individuals to help safeguard the wider countryside, and aims to inspire people to take action for wildlife. BBOWT has over 52,000 members. Find out more at

Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, a Registered Charity, is the only organisation working to protect all wildlife across the county. We are one of 47 in The Wildlife Trusts Partnership, a nationwide network of local trusts. We manage 41 nature reserves throughout Derbyshire, advise local authorities and landowners on nature conservation issues and run a range of conservation and education projects.
We are committed to The Wildlife Trusts’ strategy of creating Living Landscapes – robust, connected landscapes that address the challenges facing our wildlife and countryside.

Nestlé UK&I Fawdon
Nestlé Fawdon site has an Anaerobic Digestive system which tackles around 1,200 tonnes of food waste a year and also converts over 200,000 litres per day of raw material into renewable energy. The site has already been verified for sending zero waste to landfill. In addition, the Fawdon factory has embarked on various initiatives, designed to help protect the planet and its resources for future generations. The creation of a wildflower meadow has enabled local butterfly species to flourish while electric charging points and the use of solar radiation for renewable energy will help meet the UK target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2020.