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Enjoy the egg-citement of Nestlé's 2019 Easter range

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2019 sees Nestlé release its biggest ever Easter egg range which features eggs from several much loved brands as well as an egg-citing range of newly developed eggs for 2019 including a KitKat with Ruby chocolate Easter Egg, a Smarties Unicorn edition Egg and some ‘Incredible’ Eggs for KitKat, Smarties and Yorkie lovers. There is also Rowntree’s Randoms Easter Mix for those who prefer sweets over chocolate ensuring there is something for everyone.

Incredible Eggs

Incredible Eggs are Nestlé’s newest Easter creation featuring four delicious new eggs from KitKat, Yorkie and Smarties, each containing a chocolate egg with special ingredients included directly in the shell.

The KitKat Chunky Salted Caramel Fudge Incredible Egg features a sumptuous caramel flavour chocolate egg with soft salted caramel fudge pieces in the shell, as well as three bars of KitKat Chunky Salted Caramel Fudge.

The Yorkie Raisin and Biscuit Incredible Egg features a milk chocolate egg with crunchy biscuit and juicy raisin pieces in the shell, plus three full-size bars of Yorkie Raisin and Biscuit.

The Incredible range also includes the Smarties Mini Eggs Incredible Egg comprising of a delicious milk chocolate egg with crunchy mini Smarties in the shell, as well as a Smarties Mini eggs sharing bag.

The three Incredible Eggs are available in major retailers nationwide.

In addition, following the overwhelming response to the launch of Orange Smarties last year, the Incredible range also includes the Orange Smarties Mini Eggs Incredible Egg. This is exclusive to Tesco stores and features a delicious orange flavour milk chocolate egg filled with crunchy mini Orange Smarties in the shell as well as a sharing bag of Orange Smarties Mini eggs.

All four Incredible Eggs have colourful, eye catching packaging designs and are perfect as gifts and for sharing with family and friends.

nestle easter eggs collage

KitKat Ruby Easter Egg

Fans of KitKat made with Ruby chocolate will be delighted to try the brand new KitKat Ruby Easter Egg this spring.

Following the incredible success of KitKat made with Ruby chocolate, this is the first time Nestlé offers an Easter egg made from this new type of chocolate derived from Ruby cocoa beans, which provides an intense berry-fruitiness without the addition of any flavourings or colours.

This exciting new rose-coloured Easter egg is wrapped in bright pink foil and comes with two packs of four finger KitKat made with Ruby chocolate on the side. Like the Orange Smarties Mini Eggs Incredible Egg, KitKat Ruby Easter Eggs are exclusive to Tesco stores.

Unicorn Smarties Easter Egg

Following the success of Unicorn Smarties last year, also new this season is the Unicorn Edition Smarties Easter Egg, which features a delicious milk chocolate giant egg as well as three hexatubes of pastel-coloured blue and pink Smarties Mini eggs on the side.

These new eggs are right on trend for all of those completely under the spell of the unicorn craze to share with their families and friends. They are exclusive to Asda stores.

Rowntree’s Randoms Easter Mix

rowntrees randoms easter mix

Nestlé also has something in its Easter range for those who prefer sweets over chocolate. It comes in the form of Rowntree’s Randoms Easter Mix.

A special sharing bag of Rowntree’s Randoms’ well-known mix of jelly and foam sweets featuring rabbits, foamy lambs and other specially designed Easter shapes. The 150g sharing bags are on sale exclusively at Asda.



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