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Nestlé sets out plan to half emissions by 2030 and be net zero by 2050

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Nestlé has today announced its global roadmap to achieve net zero* greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions embracing the Paris Agreement to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. As a signatory of the UN ‘Business Ambition for 1.5°C’ pledge, Nestlé is one of the first companies to share its detailed, time-bound plan to halve the company’s emissions by 2030, and to achieve net zero by 2050. 

To accomplish this, Nestlé will accelerate initiatives focusing on supporting farmers and suppliers to advance regenerative agriculture, planting hundreds of millions of trees within the next 10 years, completing the company’s transition to 100 percent renewable electricity globally by 2025 and increasing the number of ‘carbon neutral’ brands.

Nestlé Chairman Paul Bulcke said: “The Board recognises the strategic importance of taking decisive measures to address climate change. It supports accelerating and scaling up our work to ensure the long-term success of the company and to contribute to a sustainable future for generations to come.”

The roadmap is the result of a complete review of Nestlé’s business and operations to understand the depth and breadth of the challenge to achieve net zero and to determine the actions needed to address it. The company was responsible for 92 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions in 2018, which will serve as the baseline for measuring progress.

"Tackling climate change can’t wait and neither can we. It is imperative to the long-term success of our business," said Mark Schneider, Nestlé CEO. "We have a unique opportunity to address climate change, as we operate in nearly every country in the world and have the size, scale and reach to make a difference. We will work together with farmers, industry partners, governments, non-governmental organizations and our consumers to reduce our environmental footprint.”

Stefano Agostini, CEO of Nestlé UK and Ireland added: “'Climate change is the challenge of our time and urgent action is needed now. We have made good progress in the UK and Ireland but there is much more to be done and yet we cannot do it alone. We will continue to work with governments, farmers and other cross-sector partners to look for new and innovative ways to reduce our environmental footprint by transforming our products, scaling-up initiatives in agriculture and to build beyond our current 100% renewable grid-supplied electricity across our operations.”

Nestlé UK and Ireland has been working to reduce operational greenhouse gas emissions for over a decade and has achieved a 61% reduction per tonne of product since 2007 as a result of a combination of energy efficiency improvements and the transition to renewable energy. In 2016, Nestlé UK and Ireland factories and offices transitioned to 100% renewable grid-supplied electricity by investing in the development of new wind power capacity. The company has also invested in renewable technologies to generate its own green energy, such as solar panels, hydropower, anaerobic digestion and biomass.

To achieve its 2050 net zero ambition, Nestlé’s work spans three main areas:

  • The company is already working with over 500 000 farmers and 150 000 suppliers globally to support them in implementing regenerative agriculture practices. Such practices improve soil health and maintain and restore diverse ecosystems. In return, Nestlé is offering to reward farmers by purchasing their goods at a premium, buying bigger quantities and co-investing in necessary capital expenditures. Nestlé expects to source over 14 million tons of its ingredients through regenerative agriculture by 2030, boosting demand for such goods.

    Nestlé is also scaling up its reforestation program to plant 20 million trees every year for the next 10 years in the areas where it sources ingredients. More trees mean more shade for crops, more carbon removed from the atmosphere, higher yields and improved biodiversity and soil health. The company’s primary supply chains of key commodities, like palm oil and soy, will be deforestation-free by 2022. Through efforts like these, Nestlé is building longer term partnerships and providing farming communities with greater certainty and improved livelihoods.

  • In its operations, Nestlé expects to complete the transition of its 800 sites in the 187 countries where it operates to 100% renewable electricity within the next five years. The company is switching its global fleet of vehicles to lower emission options and will reduce and offset business travel by 2022. It is also implementing water protection and regeneration measures and tackling food waste in its operations.

  • Within its product portfolio, Nestlé is continuously expanding its offering of plant-based food and beverages and is reformulating products to make them more environmentally friendly. It is increasing the number of 'carbon neutral' brands it offers to give consumers the opportunity to contribute to the fight against climate change. Garden Gourmet plant-based food as well as Garden of Life supplements will achieve carbon neutrality by 2022; Sweet Earth plant-based food, among other brands, will do the same by 2025. These come on top of Nespresso, S.Pellegrino, Perrier and Acqua Panna’s commitment to carbon neutrality by 2022, with the rest of the Nestlé Waters category achieving the same by 2025.

Magdi Batato, Executive Vice President and Head of Operations, said: “With nearly two-thirds of our emissions coming from agriculture, it is clear that regenerative agriculture and reforestation are the focal points of our path to net zero. These efforts will reduce emissions and improve biodiversity at scale. We will also continue to eliminate emissions from our operations and make improvements in our product portfolio. We have our work cut out for us and we are committed to delivering.”

The company expects to invest a total of CHF 3.2 billion over the next five years to accelerate our work, including CHF 1.2 billion to spark regenerative agriculture across the company's supply chain. These investments will be financed primarily through operational and structural efficiencies to keep this initiative earnings neutral.

Nestlé has had its emissions reduction targets approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), as consistent with levels required to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. SBTi is a collaboration of non-profit organisations that is considered the international gold standard on assessing net zero commitments. Nestlé will provide annual updates to provide transparency on its progress.


Notes to Editors:

* Net zero greenhouse gas emissions means achieving a balance between emissions and removals of all GHGs within a company’s value chain over a period of time – in Nestlé’s case 2050.

  • Read more about Nestlé UK and Ireland’s transition to 100% renewable grid-supplied electricity here and its investment in renewable technologies to generate its own green energy here.
  • Nestlé UK and Ireland continues to make progress on its efforts to make 100% of its packaging reusable or recyclable by 2025, which will significantly reduce its greenhouse gas emissions footprint. The company has recently partnered with Biffa to help drive a circular economy for plastics in the UK. Through the partnership, Nestlé Waters UK will gain access to a local rPET supply which reduces the carbon footprint of producing, sourcing and transporting its packaging from outside the UK. Read more here.
  • All Nestlé sites in the UK and Ireland are zero waste for disposal.
  • Last month Nestlé signed a Sustainable Growth Agreement (SGA) with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) forming a three-year partnership to explore opportunities for environmental innovation in south-west Scotland. Read more here.