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Cereal Partners UK joins global consortium in launching International Whole Grain Day

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Whole Grain Day

Today Cereal Partners UK, the maker of Nestlé Breakfast Cereals, joins a global consortium of public health experts, scientists, consumer groups, manufacturers and government regulators to launch International Whole Grain Day at the European Parliament: raising awareness of whole grain and calling on governments to prioritise it in their national dietary guidelines.

Known as ‘the Whole Grain initiative’, the consortium unites high-profile organisations including Cereal Partners globally, the European Public Health Alliance and European Cancer Leagues in the shared aim of increasing whole grain intake worldwide, not only for healthier lives but for a healthier planet.

Research shows that whole grain provides a range of vitamins, minerals, fibre, starch and other nutrients, and a WHO-commissioned study published in 2019 found a link between higher intakes of dietary fibre and whole grain foods and a reduction in the risk of a wide range diseases, including coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer, and their risk factors1.

Research from Cereal Partners UK shows that more than eight in ten (86%) people in the UK admit to having limited understanding of whole grain, with many unsure of where to find it and why it’s important2. Studies from the EU also suggests that the majority of Europeans eat less than one serving of whole grain per day3.

Gharry Eccles, Cereal Partners Vice President, UK & Oceania said, “Cereal Partners UK is proud to join with the Whole Grain Initiative to launch International Whole Grain Day: a day to celebrate and raise awareness of whole grain. Whole grains are an essential component in a balanced and nourishing diet and experts agree that we need to consume more whole grain rich foods.

“We believe breakfast is a great start to every day and if you choose Nestlé breakfast cereals with the green banner you can be confident you get at least 8gms of wholegrain per serving. At Cereal Partners UK we have always believed in the power of whole grains and now we want to make sure the benefits of whole grain are known by everyone.”

The inaugural International Whole Grain Day is being launched at an event at the European Parliament, co-hosted by MEP Elsi Katainen (FI, Vice-Chair AGRI Committee), and will focus on how policymakers can encourage more people to introduce whole grain into their diet. It will also include a call on governments to prioritise whole grain in national dietary guidelines.

International Wholegrain Day is being marked by the Cereal Partners UK team with a day packed with whole grain goodness, starting with a whole grain-rich breakfast for teams featuring Nestle Breakfast cereals with the green banner, which deliver at least 8g of whole grain per serving.

Over the last 15 years, Cereal Partners UK has focussed on increasing whole grain in its products while lowering levels of salt and sugar. All Cereal Partners UK products with the green banner have whole grain as the number one ingredient.

For more information on whole grain, visit


Notes to editors

About the Whole Grain Initiative

The Whole Grain Initiative brings together key stakeholders from around the world, including NGOs, academics and associations that are concerned on whole grain, nutrition and health.

On 19th November 2019, they are organizing a launch event entitled “Take Whole grain Seriously! Make your grains whole: for yours and the planet’s health”, co-hosted by MEP Katainen (FI, Vice-Chair AGRI Committee). The event will run from 15:00 to 17:00, at the European Parliament in Brussels. Click here for more information on the agenda (pdf, 114Kb).

About Cereal Partners UK

Cereal Partners UK (CP UK) is the UK operation of Cereal Partners Worldwide. Cereal Partners Worldwide (CPW) is a leading global breakfast cereal company and the maker of Nestlé Cereals, including favourites such as Nesquik, Shredded Wheat, Cheerios and Shreddies. With more than 50 brands to suit all ages and lifestyles, CPW strives to make convenient and tasty cereals that helps people start their day.

Established in 1990, CPW is a long-standing partnership between Nestlé and General Mills, bringing together the world-class capabilities of both companies. Headquartered in Switzerland, CPW has a strong global network with 4,600 employees, 17 factories, four R&D centres and sales teams in more than 130 markets. ® Registered trademark of Société des Produits Nestlé S.A.


1Whole Grain Goodness: and Reynolds, Andrew, Mann J et al (2019) Carbohydrate quality and human health: a series of systematic reviews and meta-analyses
2Nestle Cereals data based on OnePoll survey of 2,000 nationally representative adults, between 11/01/2019 – 16/01/2019. Data available upon request.