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Building on the Working on Waste event at Fawdon factory

Nestlé Fawdon recently co-hosted a regional roundtable discussion with the Institute of Grocery Distribution (IGD) and WRAP, bringing together a range of stakeholders in the food industry including ASDA, Fare Share, First Milk and Unilever to discuss ways to reduce food waste at home. There were lots of encouraging thoughts and ideas which will be shared with the food industry.

Due to the success of events hosted by Nestlé Fawdon, the Working on Waste campaign was extended to Nestlé HQ in Gatwick and Nestlé York (above), where employee awareness sessions were held. These sessions helped reinforce the key messages regarding consumer food waste, whilst emphasising the ways in which Nestlé employees can save time, money and food in a fun way!

Even though the campaign has now ended, please continue to reduce your food waste and love your leftovers!

You can find details of the campaign here