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The Nestlé Ninja’s cycle in support

nestle ninjas photo with good luck poster

On Wednesday 4th July “the Nestlé Ninja’s”, a team of Nestlé employees from York, completed a challenging bike ride to show support for one of their colleagues who has breast cancer.

The Nestle Ninja’s team are a group of mixed cycling abilities, which made this a perfect team activity to raise money for the ‘Breast Cancer Care’ charity that they have chosen to support. In total the group, consisting of experienced and non-experienced cyclists went 44 miles.

Before Wednesday’s cycle, Nestlé Ninjas had already hit their target of £1,000, now, after the event they have raised £3,500, with this figure still going up!

nestle ninja cyclists pictured on the road

Paul Nelson, who organised the Ninjas said, “It was overwhelming to see the support we received for the send-off from our colleagues in York on Wednesday morning. They made us feel really special and reminded us how much people care while supporting the ‘Breast Cancer Care’ charity. I’m proud of every member of the Ninja’s team for devoting their time to this. The team consisted of those who do very little cycling to the more experienced as well as our support vehicle drivers. The ride covered 44 miles with some big climbs and all the team completed this on a very warm day! We’ve raised £3,500 so far and the figure is rising.

Liz Henley, one of the less experienced bikers when asked for a quote on the experience said, “Not another hill!!”

The colleague they are supporting, Nic said, “Through this I have learnt that cancer does not discriminate and there is no rhyme or reason to it, so any money we can raise to make it a little more comfortable for those dealing with this disease, the better. Even a small amount can make a big difference.”

Speaking about breast cancer awareness, Nic continued: “If in doubt, get it checked out! You know your body better than anyone, if you notice any changes or are worried about anything, see your GP urgently.”

To read more about their colleague’s story, show support and see the up to date (ever increasing!) fundraising figure you can go here.

Well done to all Nestlé Ninjas, and thank you to everyone who has supported them so far!