The Logistics team at our York site hosted an open day this month, giving a chance to showcase our logistics operation to Supply Chain employees with their families.
The fun-packed day included a tour of the warehouse, live music, games, refreshments and trucks and trailers on display from local hauliers. The emergency services even came along with their vehicles to join in the excitement.
At Nestlé, safety is of course our number one priority, and the team highlighted this with a competition for employees’ families. Children under the age of 11 were asked to design a trailer themed on road safety, with the winning design being put on to the side of one of our trailers.
CF2 Warehouse Operative Adi Woods’ seven year old daughter Lucy won the competition with her design, showing that you should ‘stop, look and think’ before crossing the road. As a special prize, she received her own mini-trailer toy featuring her design. The truck will also be making a surprise appearance at Lucy’s school as part of a talk on road safety. The trailer will also be on the roads in the UK.
So look out for the trailer on a road near you!
The event also raised a fantastic £2,600 for the Oncology Ward at York Hospital.