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Nestlé to sponsor industry-wide diversity and inclusion event

diversity and inclusion in grocery

Nestlé will be a sponsor for the March launch of GroceryAid’s diversity and inclusion campaign: “Diversity and Inclusion in Grocery: Making diversity everyone’s business.”

The kick-off event is being held at Wembley Stadium on Thursday 7th March and brings together grocery businesses from across the industry to ‘help step change the grocery industry’s diversity and inclusion agenda’. It falls during Nestlé’s week long celebration of international women’s day which, this year, will focus on the practical steps that can be taken to improve gender balance.

The GroceryAid initiative has three main objectives; to improve learning and development, to create a smarter working culture and to develop external mentoring. Activities will be focused on sharing best practice across the industry, challenging conventional thinking on work-life balance and creating a coaching culture that supports industry talent.

All money raised from the event – which will feature speakers, panel discussions and networking – will go to GroceryAid, the charity for the grocery industry. Part of the event schedule will see Nestlé host a session on mental wellbeing led by June Clark who has headed a number of initiatives within Nestlé’s UK and Ireland business to improve the levels of support available to employees.

Stefano Agostini, CEO for Nestlé UK & Ireland said: “This is vital work and I am very proud to be part of an industry that is taking serious steps to improve diversity and inclusion, expand our thinking and find new ways of doing things. We want to make sure our businesses are really great places to work and we are pleased to offer our support as a sponsor.”

June Clark, Health and Wellbeing Manager for Nestle UK & Ireland “We are making improvements across the diversity and inclusion agenda at Nestlé to be more and more inclusive, in particular when it comes to dealing with mental wellbeing. I am looking forward to having the opportunity to share our experience and am excited to hear more about successful projects from other organisations. It promises to be a great event for a great cause.”

Tickets cost £100 + VAT per person and can be reserved by visiting or by contacting [email protected].