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Government boost for York Flood Appeal

The York and North Yorkshire Flood Funds, managed by Two Ridings Community Foundation has today been boosted by Government money.

The £790,000 worth of funds raised following the devastating December floods will be matched pound for pound by Government cash, bringing the total amount to £1.5million.

The appeal was set up to provide financial support to those most in need following Storms Desmond and Eva which affected hundreds of families in York. As one of the city’s largest employers, Nestlé donated £100,000 to the fund as well as providing supplies and volunteer support to those affected by the floods.

Jan Garrill, chief executive of Two Ridings Community Foundation said:

“We have been amazed by the response from people, as well as companies and individuals from across the country.

“We know these funds will help people recover from Boxing Day Floods. With this excellent news we can help even more people, particularly those on low income or with little other resources to call on.

“Our funds are aimed at providing essential support for people and communities after the devastation of flooding.”

Donations are being used to support people affected by the floods and immediate relief grants have been made to help meet emergency costs such as shelter, food and clothes and is now focussing on the support needed to get people back into their homes.

Anyone wishing to apply for funds for the York and North Yorkshire Flood Funds should do so by downloading an application form from the Two Ridings website  or calling 01904 435 277.