Nestlé has joined forces with four other major manufacturers to form a £1 million fund to boost flexible plastic recycling.
The Flexible Plastic Fund is a collaboration across manufacturers, retailers and recyclers and aims to improve flexible packaging recycling by encouraging recycling infrastructure in the UK. Flexible plastics include confectionery wrappers, pet food pouches, sachets and plastic wrapping.
All the flexible plastic collected, with Sainsbury’s and Waitrose already signed up, will be tracked right through to be made into new products with at least 80% of the material to be recycled in the UK and the other 20% to stay in Europe.
Nestlé UK and Ireland CEO, Stefano Agostini said: “We’re committed to ensuring all of our packaging is recyclable or reusable and we know this is something our consumers are calling for. Nestlé is really excited to be part of the FPF as it will help to stimulate recycling and give our flexible packaging a useful second life.”
Read more in the full press release