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Katya Simmons
Managing Director
Nestlé Professional UK&I

The people I work with every day are my biggest source of inspiration, especially the various women who juggle multiple roles in life with passion and creativity!Katya Simmons,Managing Director Nestlé Professional UK&I
Katya has worked at Nestlé Group for 20 years and is currently Managing Director Nestlé Professional UK&I with responsibility for managing the Foodservice part of Nestlé. She spoke to us about her biggest sources of inspiration, what excites her about her role and outmanoeuvring bias.
What excites you most about your role and working for Nestlé?
A combination of challenging goals, working with amazing people who are like my second family and having the ability to make a difference!
What has been the best advice you've been given in your career? Do you have any top tips of your own for new starters?
My advice would be – treat the business as your own, don't cut corners, never stop learning and have fun!
Have you faced any biases in your career and how have you handled them?
We all know bias is a natural part of human survival instinct, so we can't completely eliminate it. But we don't need it in the business, it holds us back. So, for me, it's not about fighting bias but rather outmanoeuvring it. It's about focusing on opportunities, building connections between the familiar and unknown, and staying true to myself. Nothing can help more than being genuine and authentic.
Is there anyone that inspires you, either personally or professionally?
The people I work with every day are my biggest source of inspiration, especially the various women who juggle multiple roles in life with passion and creativity!
What has been your proudest moment at Nestlé?
I am very lucky as I've had many proud moments, but there is one common theme - they're always linked with making something that looked impossible possible!
What one thing would you like to see more people doing to be more inclusive?
For me inclusiveness starts with ourselves – our willingness and readiness to open up and share our own thoughts and feelings, despite of all the risks that can come with it. There are no great achievements without taking risks!