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After graduating from Manchester University, Tasneem Hami joined Nestlé’s graduate scheme in 2023, starting as a Project Manager for Starbucks UK. She’s since had the opportunity to work on projects across Nestlé’s supply chain and is about to take on a role within Indirect Procurement. 

While I was at university studying Economics, I undertook an extra module on Supply Chain and found it so interesting that I started looking for jobs in this area after I graduated. I applied for the graduate scheme at Nestlé as I felt that, due to the size of the business, there would be lots of learning opportunities across its brands and their supply chains. 

Three people walking outside in front of an office building.

Collaboration is key 

As a big business with a large supply chain, I speak to many different functions throughout the day and bring them together for projects. It’s my job to ensure that we have regular project calls and make sure everyone is on track to deliver their part, so everything weaves together effectively and on time.  

The key to getting a project off the ground successfully is collaborating with different teams across the supply chain. To achieve this, I’ve ensured that I’ve forged good relationships with people all around the business so that when I need to call on them for support, they are greeted by a familiar face. This has also helped me improve my communication skills and confidence to approach others. 

Working with well-known brands

Through my graduate scheme I’ve been able to experience many different sides of the business seeing projects through in our supply chain for well-known brands like Nescafé. Over the last year I’ve worked on a project with Nescafé Azera and it’s the first one I’ve been able to work on end-to-end. It’s been really exciting to see months of planning come to fruition!

I’ve also spent time working with retail teams, recently supporting with a project to change the colour of Nescafé Cappuccino packaging to pink in support of Asda’s Tickled Pink campaign to raise money for Breast Cancer Now and CoppaFeel charities. I’ve loved working on a project that has real social impact!

Having people to talk to

One of the things I’ve valued most since starting at Nestlé has been the support I’ve received from my colleagues and peers. There are so many people to turn to with any questions or concerns, whether that’s a mentor, career champion, a buddy or my line manager. It means that not only do I have guidance on my day-today role, but I can also talk to my champion about my career progression and direction – which I find really motivating. There are also opportunities to shadow any roles that you are interested in finding out more about, which really helps provide a broad understanding of how the business operates on a wider level.