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Nestlé Archive Reminiscence Pack

The Nestlé UK & Ireland archive has been inundated with requests from carers and reminiscence groups who want historical packaging to help prompt happy memories among patients diagnosed with dementia, or memory problems.

Nestlé Reminiscence Pack
HAPPY MEMORIES: Download this collection of archive materials for free, using the links at the bottom of the page

We can't resist a challenge, and have put together a reminiscence pack that uses some of the most beautiful items from our archive to create a versatile, varied sensory experience. Our history pack can be downloaded and printed out to instantly create a whole collection of materials from our historical archive.

We're proud to be one of the first businesses to produce a pack this kind, and hope that historic images of our famous brands will prompt memories and conversations.

The pack has been produced with advice from the UK based Alzheimer’s Society, which leads the fight against dementia in the UK. It is currently being trialled by the Society in two support groups that run activities for people with dementia and their carers.

Even something as simple as an old sweet wrapper can bring back vivid memories from a happy time. Alison Cook, Alzheimer’s Society

Alison Cook, of Alzheimer’s Society, said using familiar objects from the past to help those with dementia remember could be a powerful tool.

“Even something as simple as an old sweet wrapper can bring back vivid memories from a happy time. This activity helps carers and loved ones to engage with people with dementia in a positive way, and has the potential to improve the quality of life for the 800,000 living with dementia in the UK”.

Old versions of familiar UK brands, such as the Rowntree’s Dairy Box have been brought to life again, as well as some products – such as a special Motoring Chocolate bar, featuring fruit and nuts, and Chocolate Pie, an aerated malted milk chocolate and caramel product – which no longer exist.

Vintage Pack Wrappers
RECREATE A 1960s LARDER: This pack includes wrappers from decades past, among them a Carnation tinned milk label, enabling people to transform modern products into vintage versions.

There are also tin labels, posters, photographs, chocolate boxes and one of the earliest Rowntree’s Fruit Gums boxes, enabling carers and family members to recreate a slice of the past.

We are keen to share the contents of the archive with as wide an audience as possible and we are delighted to use some of our favourite artefacts to produce this reminiscence pack. We hope it brings as much joy to use as it was to create.

We thank the people who appear in the photos and the creative teams who, over the decades, have produced the famous designs and ads we now treasure.

Aero memory pack
MAKE AND DO AT HOME: Just print, glue and stick to make your memory pack.

We also thank the Alzheimer’s Society for advice and support in bringing this project to completion.








Reminiscence pack

Click to download each of the different sections and print them off on paper or card. We recommend you print out the board game, boxes and counter unit on stout, A3 card, so that you can cut them out and assemble them more easily.



For advice on downloading the pack, please contact Nestlé Consumer Services 0800 58 57 59. The pack is non-commercial use.