Mr. Dave Roberts, Chief Master Taster and the man responsible for the 183 million cups of NESCAFÉ GOLD BLEND® consumed in Ireland alone last year, has had his nose insured by Ireland’s number one premium coffee brand . The policy insuring the Chief Master Taster’s nose co-incides with the launch of the New Richer Aroma NESCAFÉ GOLD BLEND® in Ireland and Mr Roberts is thought to be the first coffee specialist to have had his nose insured.
The decision to insure Mr. Roberts’ nose is testament to his indispensable sense of smell, which has been responsible for helping sniff out great tasting NESCAFÉ coffees for a quarter of a century. The unusual policy has been issued by Lloyd's and is a bespoke policy that covers Mr. Roberts for the loss of his nose and sense of smell.
Mr. Roberts, who is highly experienced in sniffing out the richest and most captivating coffee aromas, is invaluable to the brand and as such necessary measures have been taken to ensure the skills of his olfactory system remain protected. Whereas the tongue has only five areas of taste, the nose can distinguish millions of scents - which is why his is essential to guarantee the quality and taste of NESCAFÉ coffee.
Amongst him and his team, every single batch of NESCAFÉ coffee is tasted up to seven times before it leaves the factory, to ensure that each jar of coffee contains high quality coffee worthy of the NESCAFÉ stamp.
Quick fire coffee stats:
- Each day Mr. Roberts tastes over 50 cups of coffee, over the course of his career this equates to approximately a quarter of a million cups of coffee!!
- Each year Mr. Roberts consumes around 100 gallons of coffee and despite this Dave still loved nothing better than a nice cup of coffee on his days off
- Over 700 million cups of Instant coffee are drunk in a year in Ireland*
- On average; 500,000 cups of NESCAFÉ GOLD BLEND® are drunk every day in Ireland*
* Nielsen MAT Cups to 7th Aug 2011