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Nestlé Waters celebrates World Environment Day - 5th June 2024

a helicopter flying over a field

Taking action to help create a positive water impact  

In recognition of World Environment Day, Nestlé Waters is reflecting on one of its latest projects aimed at the regeneration of local water cycles, ultimately helping to protect water resources. 

Taking steps to protect water resources has never been more important, particularly as climate change continues to make an impact across the globe. With challenges like drought and flooding sadly becoming increasingly more common, efforts to the lead the regeneration of local water cycles are becoming more important and beneficial than ever before.  

For many years the Buxton water site has led the way when it comes to water stewardship, working with partners to help address shared water challenges in the Peak District where Buxton and Nestlé Pure Life waters are bottled at source. 

The Combs Moss moorland restoration project 

The Combs Moss moorland restoration project highlights the power of partnership and has brought together the Moors for the Future Partnership, the Environment Agency, Severn Trent Water, the Harris & Sheldon Group and the University of Derby, as well as Nestlé Waters. 

This collective has come together to produce innovative restoration works, including planting on the Combs Moss moorland to increase the land’s capacity to hold water - mitigating flood risk downstream, increasing biodiversity, enhancing resilience to wildfire and capturing carbon. 

This project is just one of 40 further bespoke projects that are helping to create a positive water impact locally and improve both water quality and quantity.  

Find out more about the project and partnership here