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Meet the innovators: Matt Simms (Product Designer)

Matt Simms 

While studying at Nottingham Trent University, Matt entered a product design competition run by the design team at PTC York. Students were asked to present a design solution for a brand of Brazilian chocolate owned by Nestlé. Despite never before having considered the food industry as a career option, Matt’s entry was shortlisted and he was offered a work placement. He enjoyed it so much that, on graduating, he had no doubts about returning to Nestlé and the PTC in York.

Matt is now a designer in the Innovation Team at the PTC. He has a varied role which includes running sessions for international markets and coming up with new products and packaging ideas.

When asked what advice he’d give to aspiring Nestlé employees, Matt said “I found in my time here that businesses like Nestlé are all about people. So make sure you approach someone and say have a look at my CV or portfolio, it’s an effective way of making an impact on people.”

Matt is currently at a secondment in Vevey, where he is learning more about design innovation from our global team.