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Where can I buy Nestlé products?

The question we get asked most is often here at Nestlé HQ is "Where can I buy X?"

We can't always answer this question, it depends on the product. The bigger retailers such as Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s (who buy from us direct) stock the biggest range of Nestlé products. Independent retailers buy from their local Cash & Carry; if you have a local shop that you use regularly but they don't stock the Nestlé product you want, a friendly retailer will sometimes put it on their shopping list for you next time they visit their Cash & Carry.

Sometimes we're asked this question by Ex Pats, looking for a Nestlé product which they loved at home but can't find where they are living now. In these cases the internet is your best friend; websites such as Amazon, and stock a wide range of unusual consumer goods that you might not see in your high street store. We can't endorse any particular online retailer, but we have heard that these stores have been useful to consumers whom we haven't been able to help.

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