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Climate change is already having a global impact. Food and agriculture is one of the sectors most impacted by climate change. It’s also the sector that has the biggest impact on fuelling climate change.

An unstable climate is a major threat to agricultural production. It affects our ability to source the natural ingredients we need. Our supply chain includes many businesses in areas of the world that are most exposed to climate change. For these reasons, we see climate change as a direct threat to the sustainability of our business.

To continue to provide food for the world we have to limit greenhouse gas emissions and build resilient farming systems. But we can’t do it alone. To safeguard the climate and environment for future generations we need a concerted effort from business, consumers and governments.

What are we doing to change things?

Nestlé’s Net Zero Roadmap

We’re determined to halve our emissions by 2030 and reach net zero emissions across the whole of our operations by 2050. This will need radical action across our whole value chain:

  • Working with our suppliers and farmers to future-proof our food system
  • Switching to renewable energy in our factories and offices
  • Looking for new innovative packaging for our products.

In fact, the majority of our impact, our carbon footprint, comes from agriculture – the ways we grow and produce the ingredients that make up our products. This is why we’re focusing on working with our global supply chain to champion more regenerative agricultural practices.

Globally, we’re investing over £2.5 billion to accelerate our work in manufacturing, packaging and carbon-neutral brands. Of this money, nearly £1 billion will support the transition to more regenerative agriculture across our supply chain.

Our 2050 net zero roadmap

Our net zero roadmap

2018–2021: Our path to regeneration for future generations

Diagram showing our net zero roadmap: 2018-2021

Solving the problem means identifying the problem. We found Nestlé emitted 92 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions in 2018*. Now we know the extent, we know the road ahead.

Companies and their emissions grow over time. That’s why we’re promising to be net zero based on our 2018 baseline, no matter how much our company grows.

Nestlé’s in-scope GHG emissions by operation million tonnes of CO2e, in 2018

0.8Dairy and livestock34.2Soil and forests25.0Other6.47.511.07.065.6Million tonnesof CO2e
Scope 3
Sourcing our ingredients 65.6 71.4%
Scope 1, 2 & 3
Manufacturing our products 7.0 7.7%
Scope 3
Packaging our products 11.0 11.9%
Scope 3
Managing logistics 7.5 8.2%
Scope 3
Travel and employee commuting 0.8 0.8%
Figures have been rounded.

*Total GHG emissions were 113 million tonnes (CO2 equivalent) in 2018, 92 of which are in scope of our UN 1.5°C pledge.

2021–2025: Moving faster

By 2025, we will reduce our emissions by 20%

Diagram showing our net zero roadmap: 2021-2025

We’re excited to hit the soil running. We’re accelerating our work in manufacturing, packaging and carbon-neutral brands. We’re also investing CHF 1.2 billion to help spark regenerative agriculture across our supply chain, as part of a total investment of CHF 3.2 billion by 2025.

Our milestones

  • 100% deforestation free for primary supply chain by 2022

  • Switch our global car fleet to lower emission options by 2022

  • 100% certified sustainable palm oil by 2023

  • 100% renewable electricity in all our sites by 2025

  • 100% of our packaging recyclable or reusable by 2025

  • 100% certified sustainable cocoa and coffee by 2025

  • Source 20% of key ingredients through regenerative agricultural methods by 2025

  • Cut virgin plastic in our packaging by a third by 2025

  • Plant 20 million trees a year

  • Nestlé Waters becomes carbon neutral by 2025

2025–2030: Scaling up

By 2030, we will reduce our emissions by 50%

Diagram showing our net zero roadmap: 2025-2030

Further down the greener path, we will invest in new technologies and fundamental changes to our products and businesses around the globe.

Our milestones

  • Use more renewable thermal energy in our manufacturing

  • Source 50% of key ingredients through regenerative agricultural methods by 2030

  • Plant 200 million trees by 2030

2030–2050: Delivering our promise

Diagram showing our net zero roadmap: 2030-2050

By 2050, we will reach net zero

Advanced agricultural techniques will deliver a regenerative food system at scale, supported by zero emission logistics and company operations.

We will balance any remaining emissions through high-quality natural climate solutions that benefit people and the planet.

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